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The World Scout Committee is the executive body of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). It is one of three primary components of WOSM; with the other two being the World Scout Conference and the World Scout Bureau. The World Scout Committee is responsible for the implementation of the resolutions of the World Scout Conference and for acting on its behalf between its meetings.

The Committee is composed of 14 members. Twelve, each from a different country, are elected for six-year terms by the World Scout Conference. The members do not represent their country but the interests of the Movement as a whole. The Secretary General, and the Treasurer, of the World Organization of the Scout Movement are ex-officio members of the Committee. The chairmen of the regional Scout committees participate in the World Scout Committee meetings in a consultative capacity.

The Committee meets twice a year, usually in Geneva, Switzerland. Its Steering Committee, consisting of the Chairman, two Vice-Chairmen, and the Secretary General meet as needed.

Current members of the World Scout Committee

World Committee 2005 - 2008
World Committee 2005 - 2008
Name Country Term to
Mr. Herman C. S. Hui Hong Kong 2008
M. Philippe Da Costa Vice-Chair, France 2008
Mrs. Thérèse Bermingham Vice-Chair, Ireland 2011
Mr. Habibul Alam Bangladesh 2008
Mr. Mario Diaz Martinez Spain 2011
[Mr. Steve Fossett] United States 2011
Mr. John A. Gemmill Canada 2008
Mr. Georges El Ghorayeb Lebanon 2011
Mr. Nkwenkwe Nkomo South Africa 2011
Mrs. Ana E. Piubello Argentina 2008
M. Mohamed Triki Tunisia 2008
Mr. Gualtiero Zanolini Italy 2011
Dr. Eduardo Missoni Secretary-General, WOSM, Italy
Mr. Arnaud Girardin Treasurer, Switzerland

Strategy work streams

The World Scout Committee has set up work streams to address the top Strategic priorities, as defined by the World Scout Conference. (See the Strategy section.) These are:

  • Youth Involvement
  • Volunteers in Scouting
  • Scouting's Profile (communications, partnerships, resources)

Standing committees

  • Audit
  • Budget
  • Constitutions
  • Honours and Awards

Working with others

This is a consultative Committee of the (WOSM) and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). It is composed of members of the World Committee/World Board of both organizations.

  • 2007 Task Force for the 100th Anniversary of Scouting. It is composed of members of the World Scout Committee, World Scout Bureau, World Scout Foundation, and The Scout Association (United Kingdom).


The Bronze Wolf is the only award made by the World Scout Committee. It is given solely in recognition of outstanding service by an individual to the World Scout Movement. The Bronze Wolf award was first approved by the International Committee meeting in Stockholm on August 2, 1935. The Committee unanimously awarded the first Bronze Wolf to the Chief Scout of the World, Lord Baden-Powell.

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